Improvement in recovery rate due to timely treatment of corona positive people and continuous decline in mortality rate – Health Minister


Jaipur(Smart Samachar)  Health Minister Dr Raghu Sharma said that the number of testing has been increased to an average of 25,000 per day due to which there is an increase in corona positive cases, but people need not have to be scared of it.

Corona positive people are being detected early due to which they are being treated on time and this is improving the recovery rate and there is also continuous decline in the death rate due to corona. Dr Sharma on Thursday informed in a high level review meeting called in regard to prevention and control of coronavirus.

Health department principal secretary Shri Akhil Arora, Medical Education secretary Shri Vaibhav Galriya, MD NHM Shri Naresh Thakral, RUHS Vice Chancellor Dr Rajababu Panwar, SMS Medical College Principal Dr Sudhir Bhandari, Director Public Health Dr KK Sharma and other officers were present in the meeting. Death rate due to corona declines to 2% Health Minister said that till now more than 11 lakh corona samples have been tested in the State. The corona testing facility has been made available at 27 places in the State. Rajasthan is leading in regard to per 10 lakh sample. Against the national average of 9168 per 10 lakh, Rajasthan is taking 14,122 samples per 10 lakh population. The positive rate of the State is 2.35% while the national average is 7.82%. Similarly, the recovery rate of the State is 74% against the national average of 63.27%. The death rate due to corona in Rajasthan has now reduced to 2%, whereas the national average is 2.60%. The death rate due to corona in Rajasthan for the month of July has been 1.54%. Additional medical team in districts with more positive cases He has directed to send additional medical teams and officers to districts that report more positive cases. He emphasised to continue the awareness campaign related to corona being run in the State.

He stressed on being cautious from super spreaders and domestic workers in the State. He directed to fix responsibility of the concerned owner in regard to preventing corona at workplaces and to take strict action on finding any negligence. Directions to strengthen containment Looking at the number of positive patients coming to Jodhpur by trains from South India and Mumbai, he directed to remain cautious along with focusing on the walled city and to strengthen the containment.

He directed to send additional medical team to Pali looking to the possibility of community spread, arrange quarantine facilities for labourers at industrial institutions at Bhiwadi in Alwar district, increase the number of samples in walled city of Bikaner and to make additional arrangements in Barmer and Jalore. Treatment of 47 serious patients with Plasma therapy Dr Sharma said that till now 47 serious patients in the State have been treated with plasma therapy and the results were cent percent. Five patients on ventilator were treated with plasma therapy. Looking at the importance of treatment with plasma therapy, he has directed to make a list of people throughout the State who have turned negative from corona positive.

These people will be inspired to donate plasma so that plasma banks could be increased for the treatment with plasma therapy. So far, 20 people who have recovered from corona have agreed to donate plasma. ICMR has sent an appreciation letter to SMS Medical College in regard to treatment with plasma therapy. Tocilizumab injection worth Rs 40,000 has been administered to serious corona positive patients if required during the treatment. Appeal to strictly follow the protocol Health Minister said that it is necessary to wear a mask, maintain social distance, wash hands regularly and avoid going to crowded places to prevent corona infection. He appealed to people of the State to strictly follow the protocol issued by the health department to prevent corona infection. Strict action will be taken as per rules on violating the directions issued to prevent corona.